
If my best friend was still with us it would have been her 60th birthday today. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. Days like this always give me a wee wobble. I miss her so much. Nine years she's been gone . You don't get over grief. You just learn to live with it. So happy birthday mumma luv. 

It's been a productive day. In around the Jedi I submitted another assessment. I enjoyed this one. It was on language and the stages of language learning. 

In my collage you see Carson with his favourite rock. Yip , he can't swallow this one. 

I took the bike trailer to pick up Harp. I turned it into the buggy side of things and literally halfway to nursery I got a puncture. Not even a flat. It popped. There was a nail. So I had to run home and get the double buggy and go and pick her up. I had to jog most of the way or I would have been late. At least I've done nearly 15000 steps so far. 

The Wildlings are going to have a early dinner as they want to go and play at a park. 
Mr R is away at a meeting so won't be back until quite late again. He's been getting home and then I've been going to bed. So hopefully we get to spend time together over the weekend. 

Have a lovely one. X 

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