Sanday (Day 2542)
Up at stupid o'clock this morning to catch the boat across to Sanday for the day.
First job was to deal with a boiler breakdown caused by a faulty sensor. It took less than a minute to disable the sensor, and get the boiler running. I will get a new sensor fitted next time I am across to Sanday.
Next (after stopping on the way to snap a pic to blip) was a boiler service that I have been needing to get to for a little while. Good to get it done and out of the way and have a blether with the customer too.
After a quick lunch I made my way to a new customer with a list of things to do. Sorting out a leak was straightforward enough, but changing the kitchen sink will have to wait for another day. If the customer had had some new valves to go with the new towel rail, I would have done the swap for them, but it is another thing which will have to wait.
I killed time waiting for the boat home by having a snooze and doing some paperwork. The boredom was broken by a phonecall from my beautiful wife.
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