Fishlake meadows

This morning we went for a walk with our RSPB group in the Hampshire Wildlife Trust's Fishlake Meadows Nature Reserve, near Romsey.
There were plenty of warblers singing: Cetti's, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Whitethroat, Sedge, and we got some good views of them too. Also we saw Reed Buntings and Stonechats and a couple of Common terns. A few people heard a Cuckoo, but I had to make do with seeing the Cuckoo Flower or Lady's Smock  (Cardamine pratensis), blipped here. On a dead tree we found a rather striking yellow bracket fungus called Chicken- of -the- Woods (Laetiporus sulphureus) because, when  cooked, it tastes of chicken, apparently.   

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