My Old Yellow Car

Popped out to Aldi and saw this in the car park. The lady in the passenger seat looked a little bemused when I asked if I could take a photo, but agreed anyway. Despite the sunshine, there was a chill wind blowing and she confirmed it was pretty cold when moving!
All is not as it might appear however. At first glance you might be forgiven for thinking it is an old Ford Model T, but there were too many modern touches for my liking - electric headlights, indicators, hydraulic brakes to name but a few. The biggest giveaway was the registration number. From its format, it must date from the late 1950s, and a quick check on the DVLA site when I got home revealed that the vehicle was first registered in 1959 (as a Ford) and it has a 1172cc engine. My guess would be that it is a rebodied Ford Popular as they used a side valve engine of that size.
Whatever it is, it looked splendid and it’s just a shame I was in too much of a hurry to wait and see it drive off.
I took the old laptop to CEX this morning to see if it was worth anything. Initial signs were hopeful as I was offered £70 subject to it passing various tests. Sadly, it did not pass and was deemed to be running “too slowly” - possibly indicating that the Hard Disk was on its way out. Mrs C’s camera club were on the lookout for a new laptop, so we offered it to them if they could do anything with it. They do have a couple of computer whizz kids in the club so took us up on our offer, in the hope that they can find a way of making it perform to a satisfactory standard. There was certainly no point in us hanging on to it and I’d rather see if someone can make use of it than just consign it to landfill.

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