The chilly east wind which kept our North Sea coast temperature well down again today blew this little female Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) onto the sea wall just in front of me at the clifftop cemetery and then away again a minute later. I can't remember when I last saw one. Elsewhere the skylarks were frantically trying to distract anyone walking near their nests (extra).

I had coffee (and cake) with a friend this morning and a good catch-up, then got home to find that I've got to get hold of certified copies of some ID documents to send to various people I'm dealing with as one of my mother's joint executors. It's either that or drive 300 miles and back to verify my ID with them in person. Which means that I'll have another excuse to see my friend as she's my go-to professional pillar-of-the-community person for signing any certified copies I need. I'd better turn up with cake, I think.

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