Greening up

On Thursday morning an ambulance with flashing lights, followed by a paramedic and another vehicle come down into the close as far as our house. They realised the number they were looking for was higher, turned around and headed down the other section. About an hour later they left, but no flashing lights, so we assumed all was well.

This morning we found out that one of the neighbours had died. Sadly his wife was away visiting family in Jersey and couldn’t get him to answer his phone, so had called the cleaner, who was across the road cleaning at another neighbours. She went round and found him dead in a chair. He hadn’t gone to Jersey because he had a cough, which had been diagnosed as a chest infection and was due to have an x-ray the day he died. It was his 73rd birthday.

He was a fit individual, who thought nothing of long distance walks, and was a member of a local gym. There will have to be a post mortem. That’s the fourth person who’s died since we moved here nearly eleven years ago.

The fruit trees over the fence are in full blossom, but being well battered by the strong wind.

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