Proud mummy

A busy and productive family day. 
I got some studying in when Harp was at ballet and tap. When I came home I removed the wheel from the trailer and fixed the puncture. I asked Lincoln if he wanted pedals put on his bike and he could try riding again. He hasn't been interested in learning to pedal but today was the day. And he did absolutely fantastic. I uploaded a video to Facebook. I am so proud of him. He got to choose a new toy from the shop on the way to nana and grandads. 

Carson surprised nana by giving her a cuddle. He has always ignored her and always went to grandad. Today nana was so pleased. She actually was taken back by it. 

I bought myself some new leggings and new running sneakers. I'm going to attempt taking up jogging again. Yip if anyone sees me don't laugh. It won't be pretty;-). 

Tomorrow we are having a family day together at mabie farm park. So I will struggle with journals. 

Hope it's been a good Saturday:-) 

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