River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Rose “Canary Bird”

It was very grey and cold when we woke up around 7 this morning.
By midday it was much brighter and I started on the garden jobs:
Sowed a row of Phacelia mixed with Radish “French breakfast” across Deep Bed No.1 behind the greenhouse. Everything has been in it for a full month, some plants are growing well and the 2 rows of shallots are through, gave everything a good soaking.
Started off Kohl rabi “Delicacy Purple” and Leek “Musselburgh” in cells in the very cold greenhouse, also covered with protective plastic dome - there are lots of hungry slugs in the greenhouse too!
In another half tray I’ve sown Cabbage “Greyhound”, Italian black kale “Cavollo Nero di Toscana” and some seeds of Sea Radish which I collected on the beach last July https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2859916179592446363
Last of all, Courgette “Striato d’Italia” and Cucamelon https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2463427347454362531 - these seeds started off in the big plastic box with the tomatoes.
I noticed the yellow rose this morning as I opened the curtains - it’s been there for about 30yrs, it has very long thorns which are lethal, I keep cutting it back so no visitors might get scratched by it!
Also took some cuttings of Tree Collard - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2685945957664687010 - some of the young leaves were chopped up and added to our curries.
Have a lovely weekend everyone xxxx xxx xx
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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