Mixed Emotions

Yeovil fans were surprised and delighted in equal measure at full time in this afternoon’s game at home to Stockport County at having beaten the runaway league leaders 2-1. They were undoubtedly the best team we’ve seen at Huish Park this season but our mixture of defensive resilience ( definitely a case of “Once more unto the breach…” on Shakespeare’s birthday!) and taking our chances on the break meant we beat them for the second time this season. 

The joy on fans’ faces was mixed with anger at the ongoing uncertainty about the club’s future: as you can see there were banners demanding the departure of the current owner who has upset the fans by the lack of investment in the club he promised when he took over (understandable to some extent, given the problems of the last two years) but also his lack of communication and indeed presence at the ground in recent times.

The fans were expecting an imminent takeover by an interested bidder but yesterday the current owner issued a brief statement saying he was forming a new board of directors for next year, suggesting he is staying on. All the uncertainty is leading to a lot of angst.

Tess, Chris and I enjoyed this morning’s Park Run, despite a rather chilly wind.

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