Three on a Cart

Their person was having a bit of trouble herding these three longhaired daschunds on to a plant cart at the Cottage Garden Nursery this morning, but once they were all on there they sat very nicely. Their person said they love going to the nursery. There is a sign next to the carts requesting that children not be allowed to sit on them as they are rather unstable, but even though 'good dogs on leashes are welcome' inside the nursery, the sign didn't say anything about dogs on the carts. We were leaving as they were arriving so I wasn't able to observe for myself how much they loved it. 

Inside, things were busy. One little boy about three was running madly around the place. It was hard to tell if he was laughing or throwing a fit. I know his name was Alex because cries of 'Alex, get down from there' and 'Alex come back, please' rang around the premises. A lady made her way around with two large oval metal planters on claw feet precariously balanced on her cart. One of the nursery workers patiently answered someone who had called on the phone wanting to know if they had a certain plant, how big it was, how many they had....I had to give him a gold star for not telling her to come in and see for herself.

This nursery is well known for their succulent displays and their carefully curated and pots planted with succulents.. Unfortunately the ones that caught my eye were nowhere to be found for individual sale. I've planted a fair number of pots with succulents, and if there is more than one plant in the pot, one of them inevitably takes over and crowds out the rest.  There is a nice little nursery practically next door to us so I'll go there and see what they have.

As we headed back to the car with our purchases, the lady with the large planters was making her way to the car parked next to ours and John helped her load them into her car, leaving me to load up Spike and our plants.

Chivalry isn't quite dead.... 

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