
Here you are, for those of you interested in the new sunglasses!

For those who asked about the trig point bagging - for 16 years Mr C and I were what is (sometimes disparagingly) called Munro baggers. This meant we were attempting to climb all the 284 Scottish peaks over 3000ft. It was a challenge as for most of the time we lived in Suffolk but in the end we were “compleators”. I was 4113th on the list of those who’d done it. The total must have doubled by now. Now we climb more modest hills, any that we fancy the look of, and often on the top there’s a trig point, the numbers of which Mr C investigates. I often teased him he’d be bagging them next. Then recently I found it actually was a thing so I have ordered him a book of the Northumbrian ones for a joke for his birthday.

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