Cousins’ trampoline fun

A busy social day. We drove to Whitley Bay and sat in #2 daughter’s garden for a family afternoon. We had delicious veggie BBQ and meat for some. The children all played joyfully on the trampoline - a complicated game involving imaginary crab claws and tag. Nathaniel was desperate to get inside to play minecraft as he doesn’t have it, and was sad not to get a turn. We put his hair in a topknot. Ella is excited to be getting her hair cut next week but he refuses. James and Thomas have both had good reports from school. Thomas is doing very well at Maths. James is a bit behind in everything but there have been no behaviour issues this year so that’s great news. He is a fun and funny and rather interestingly quirky personality.

We drove home to get more clothes on as we were going straight to Katy and Colin’s for guess what - a BBQ. Linda and Colin also were there. The fire pit was enormous but by 8.30 we were all happy to go home. It was nice to see them but we are all finding the sudden sociability quite tiring!

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