It’s just you and me; won’t be unhappy

There is a reason Himself takes time off when I’m not in the house to do jobs.

I was there today and it wasn’t good.

The hall floor had to be finished … I ‘ooooh’d’ and ‘ahhhhh’d and exclaimed ‘what’s up?’ Everytime he moved, or stretched or coughed or Stood up.

It was all so very, very stressful .probably me not him.

I tried different things. I went to the car wash. I went to the Savers. I drew pictures outside. Baked cakes. Didn’t help. And my stress wasn’t helping him.

It got done though; and it’s beautiful.

He’s a god my man.

I took him for a lovely run afterwards. Up the road and over the hill and then up to the allotments where we had a wee bimble round and stood and looked in awe at all the beautiful work he had done up there

Want to clarify that. When I said run I meant in the car

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