Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Love and big lizards

Another packed day. 23,000 steps. Had a bit of a lie in then after breakfast walked up to Parc Guell for another Gaudi experience, this time al fresco with a giant lizard. The columns, tiling and organic design give it a grotto like feel in places.

Overheated at one point; it was very warm today: with  retrospect I should have paced myself. You walk there through the Gracia which is basically one big hill, and which we took at speed (relatively speaking for our respective ages).

We walked down to a square in the Gracia afterwards which was full of local families and couples enjoying the sun. Absolutely delightful, such a nice vibe. Ate olives and crisps and drank Diet Coke. Sat there for a long time. Really lovely.

Walked to the metro at Joanic and went down to the seafront. This is very lively, lots of volleyball pitches, very clean beaches although disconnected from the city (unlike Tel Aviv where you can literally walk off the beach, cross the road and dive into the back streets). We had a drink in a bar and laughed at the wind making TSM’s hair dance. It was very blowy. Okay it was freezing. With that kind of moronic music they play in beach bars which is basically an electronic pulse probably adapted from something SETI use to probe the heavens for proof of aliens.  

Went to the Picasso Museum which is focused on his early work. Absolutely wonderful collection, really well curated. We have bought home a print of El Paseo de Colon to get framed. You get a real sense of his development from talented traditional artist to something astonishingly different, and understand his debt to cezanne too.

Cocktails in a little bar nearby where they let us charge our phones, then ate in a very strange vegan place about halfway home. Food was more than okay - particularly the pakoras and mushroom croquettes- but the place itself was like a village hall with a badly painted Buddha image on one wall. 

Finished off as usual with a drink in the hotel bar where we met an interesting couple from California who we could have talked to for longer but for the lateness of the hour. 

Fab day, again. Album here https://photos.app.goo.gl/XHw8PsQz4RMeJQnt8

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