Allotment 2022 onwards

By misetak

Still learning

Well I reached 100 blips.  After another busy day of meetings and other work, followed by the early evening excitement(see extras), I decided to walk through the woods to my allotment this evening. So you have a collage of flowers seen in the woods, including the compulsory bluebells, some shots of the allotments (rhubarb of course) and finally our  neighbour's laburnum that I caught as I got home.
Thanks for all the encouragement I have received here.  This is a lovely community and I'm really enjoying it.
PS the extras are my daughter's pictures, but wanted to record this event here.  Their next door but one neighbours managed to set fire to their thatched roof this evening -10 fire engines in attendance. Thankfully no one is hurt and they managed to save the neighbour's roof (also thatch), but I feel so sorry for the young couple who only moved in very recently and have lost their new home for the moment.

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