Curried Scone

Google did a very good job of getting us up this morning, even though we'd been awake for at least half an hour. I'd instructed my phone to wake me at 7.30 am in the hearing of my Google speaker, so that when Len went to the kitchen to make the tea, it was already making alarm noises.

No time for breakfast because I had to be at Glenfield Hospital at 9 am. Arrived at Orthopaedics at 8.46 and then waited until 9.30 when the receptionist realised I had to go for an X-ray first. Samaya was the student radiologist.

Back to the clinic for another wait until I could go into see the boss man, Mr Hutchings. He looked at my X-rays from way back as well as this morning's and didn't equivocate. I am now on the list for a revision of my right hip. He said I'd have to wait several months. I had thought it might be three years.

I won't be able to walk like a young thing but I should be immensely more stable. It was almost an anti-climax.

Len and I decided to stop somewhere to eat. He missed the turning to the Coach and Horses at Markfield so I directed him over the Forest to St Joseph's Tea Room next to Mount St Bernard's Abbey. They were offering curried scones  which sounded intriguing. Garlic, coriander, curried lamb with cauliflower and apricots and home made raita and mini poppadoms on the side. It was delicious.

And I even had a gluten free scone.

I had a reply on Twitter yesterday evening from the lady who owns the squirrel hide in Westmoreland. She was delighted with the album of photos of red squirrels.

But will I use Twitter once it changes hands? I'm not disposed to although it's an extremely convenient way of contacting people.

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