Tom & Ollie the Pugs

Tom & Ollie (the hyper little Pugs) came round this evening with their owners, Steve & Simon. Obviously Ann wanted to Blip us but I was a bit scared of them. They were sitting on their humans knees and Ann wanted me to sit in between them.

I growled at them I hardly ever growl and then I attempted to escape from them via clambering along the top of the sofa.

Eventually we all settled down. I had snooze time in my bed but I didn't get my dinner until after they'd left and I was hungry.

Mmmmmm........................ the Pugs are OK but I don't think they'll ever be my best friends. I don't think they do much running around and playing. They seem to spend a lot of time just chillaxing on their owners knees.

BUT..................... my human was happy to see the Pugs owners, Steve & Simon, and they spent a lovely couple of hours catching up on all the 'St Ives gossip'.

Lovely to see you Steve, Simon, Tom & Ollie. We'll catch up again in June.

Toodles. xxx

PS - Just put a photo in extras because the sea down at the beach this afternoon was the most amazingly turquoise blue.

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