Hanging Around The Lodge

We had a pre-breakfast walk along the beach, dipping our feet in the icy waves, then walked along the prom almost as far as Hengistbury Head before coming back to Fisherman’s Walk for coffee and cakes at the cliff-top cafe.

We had a browse in Southbourne High Street, picking up some things for lunch and spent most of the afternoon reading on the veranda at the lodge in the hot sunshine.

We did take another stroll along the beach and caught this hang glider passing over our row of lodges behind the beach huts.

With over 20000 steps on the clock by now we felt we’d earned an ice cream.

This evening we walked into Boscombe (another 5000 steps) for a very filling pizza in a very friendly Italian restaurant. They were so filling we had to bring some home in a doggy bag (or box!)

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