Men at work

I often admire other blippers' street scenes and struggle to find anything happening human-wise around here. Today it was all go as I nipped into Durrus for the paper. Enroute the Tin Pub's roof was being examined, Graham's wall was being rebuilt and in Durrus itself the pressure washer was out. There is a discussion going on here, one of them should be up the ladder cleaning the window!  Maybe something is broken!! It doesn't get more hectic than this!

Other than that, another hour and a bit of my precious life wasted on Air NZ - I can confirm they only have one music loop and it's all mournful blokes.  A bit of well work, a bit of garden work - it has now started to grow, officially  - and I cleaned the bathroom and loo. Whilst doing this I pondered on the word toilet. I am unable to say it having been brought up that it was very non U! It was always lavatory and then loo became acceptable. I was thinking of the time that a little boy of a friend of ours was at Charlecote House on a day out. He must have been about 5 or 6 and he was sent off to ask for the directions to the loos (see, done it again) where upon he was told by an old trout in tweeds: The National Trust does not have toilets only lavatories. Outrageous. I must try harder for I don't want to become an old trout in tweeds.
Men at Work for my Aussie blip pals. I bet they say toilet! Or should that be dunnie??

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