Something we may all need to practice in the months, maybe years to come.
A full day doing stuff at home and mostly it was my stuff! A rare novelty. I did have a lazy start but otherwise got a few useful garden and plant related jobs done. Notably I potted on a good number of young plants raised from seed over the last few years including several Daphne mezereum, last seen in flower on my final visit to the old garden just over a year ago. A first flower on one next year maybe. There were also some late planted Sweet Peas and a few cuttings from a tray set last year. Last night in the Coop I spotted Ricotta reduced to 30p in the almost out-of-date boxes and then uncovered a bag of Spinach, similarly reduced. A very cheap Spinach and Ricotta Cannelloni for lunch today ... and a couple of portions left over :-) Yum!!
Later Meg and I walked down the seafront and onto the beach for a while. The Armeria maritima, Thrift, that grows just above the shoreline, was looking almost at it's best and with the weather set fair for a while, the display will last weeks this year.
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