Muscari armenaicum, the common Grape Hyacinth can be a dreadful weed in gardens ... as my Mum can attest after I planted some half a century ago! Despite often long and untidy leaves, they are a colourful addition to the (wild) garden. Today's subject is a very late flowering form gifted to me by an old gardening friend in Norfolk who recently passed away. The leaves appear later than other forms too and are not as untidy but I'm not sure if they belong in the garden or not!
A day at home. Hooray! Laundry and admin seem to have taken up much of the day. We are appealing Jamie's contribution to his support hours. It's means tested but they don't exclude all his benefits which are his only source of income. As he only gets a few hours a week, his current contributions actually exceed the monies earned by his employee! Crazy. Disability imposes many extra costs along the way, some obvious, some less so. He doesn't have much left each month but needs to save for the bigger expenses that come along from time to time. So .... another form being filled in. Possibly another wrangle ahead. Blurrh!
I've also watered the allotment - a half full wheelie bin of water dragged round to my plot! It's been almost rain free since I started planting a month ago so growth has been very limited. No sign of rain ahead either. All that's left today is to give Meg a walk so I'm about to be off round the lanes before it gets dark. Evening all.
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