Sing Me A Sweet Song

Hubby was up before 5 am so he could beat the traffic on his journey to NC. He arrived safely and pitched his tent/home until next Monday. My day was very time oriented so I made a schedule to stay focused. I spent the morning helping my daughter get Chase a passport and signed up for our Germany trip. His birthday is Saturday and that will be his surprise gift (for Christmas also.). This adorable wren sang to me all morning. I picked up Chase for an orthodontist appointment and took him home. Ran by my home to dress for our evening event since I’d have no other opportunity. Shopped for my mother, did a few things at her house, and then we both went to my grandson’s basketball banquet. It was a heartwarming evening. My son is a very good public speaker. He has used the Coach Wooden philosophy with the kids all season. Tonight’s focus was on giving back. The boys’ and girls’ teams will help him completely redo the school outdoor basketball court as their way of giving back for all they have received in elementary school. Such a good life lesson for them. Parents And students were thrilled with the idea and he’d worked it out with the parish priest and school principal. The new basketball goals are part of the refurbishment project. Jamie took my mother home because I do not do well driving after dark. Another pleasant day to add to the memories. Hope your day was fine as well. Thanks for the visit. Sounds like Putin is being brutal in Mariupol after that phony command to stop their aggression in that city. Justice will prevail. “The wren and the nightingale sound nothing alike, but think how dull the world would be without the songs of both birds.” - Kirby Larson

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