
I took the sleeping photo last night. Carson had dived out his cot again and landed badly on his neck. What a fright myself and Harp got. Thankfully I had a mat on the floor that softened his landing. I decided I would sleep on his floor to keep a eye on him . When I went up to bed Harp had climbed in beside him to look after him. 

It's not great for my shoulder sleeping on a wee mat and I'm back to taking painkillers at night. 

It's been a productive day. I took the side of Carsons cot and put a toddler protector there instead. I don't have much faith in him staying in his bed now. I have stair gates everywhere so know he can't get out his room unless miss Harp opens the gate. But I'm posting early as I have a feeling I shall be up and down like a yo-yo. 

The boys had a good day at school and Harp nursery. Mr R is up in Elgin for a meeting so it will be a even longer day for him. It's just over a five hour drive there from here. 

I passed my assessment. 89% . Not as good as last time but I got a question wrong. I have 6 modules left to do. They have between 4&8 part's to them. Hopefully over the weekend I shall get a chance to study. 

As you can see from the photo of Carson, he is slightly puffy from landing on his face. Oh he worries me at times. 

Thanks for all your lovely comments for my boys. 

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