Not A Sphere

Or an egg.
Both were ideas for this bit of Laburnum.
But as you can see it wasn't symmetrical enough - so it ended up as an 'open vessel'.
It was interesting to do as I had to mount it on another block of wood using hot-melt glue, so I wasn't able to put pressure on it or allow any heat to build up or it would move and even fractionally would throw things off.
I also made a couple of spinning top which seem to spin rather well .... so it wasn't all wasted time.

Other pictures I took today were not so successful  -  I seem to have had colour balance issues ..... all down to the strong red in direct sun. The 3 shots over HERE show what I mean.

Also out in the garden I have found that the hint of scattering coffee grinds to keep the slugs of the Hosta is a load of bollocks  rubbish. I have 3 holes in mine which have loads of grinds round and through it ... along with the slime trail which way the bugger swine went.

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