
By pattons6

Daddy there is no juice in this.....

I have been full of beans again today. I slept we'll last night, I was up at 11pm and 5.15am for a feed but went straight back to my cot and to sleep. So this morning I was ready to play and investigate. I I have been running round the livingroom and managed to get out and into the hall in my walker. Mummy caught me on her way back from getting her breakfast. I was just going to help her.

Daddy has been around today which was very funny. I even got to wake him up, I pulled on his ear and hit him on the nose. He then woke up.

I have had a couple of naps today. I was very tired at one point after so much playing that I started crying as I just wanted a cuddle and a nap, which I got.

Tonight daddy is giving me my bath. I can't wait, as he plays music to me and sings while I am in the bath, mummy doesn't, she says my bath is the start of bedtime and it should be chilled. Where as I like a wee dance to myself.

Here I am trying to drink some juice out of daddy's glass, he and my sister are just out of the picture, so don't worry I wasn't unsupervised.

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