The day to start is today

By Traci

To write with a broken pencil

is pointless

Anyone else out there watch Michael Portillo's Great British Railway journeys? I am sat here after a whole days journey - with not a train in sight but a lot of huffing and puffing, actually I did have the year 3's outside playing learning their 5 times table along a big long railway line, drawn in chalk that is ... can you imagine the risk assessment on the real thing hehe no not even in jest. It went rather well, 1 2 3 4 FIVE 6 7 8 9 TEN etc hopefully you get the idea, they did and went on to requested overtime :)

So where was I, Michael Portillo, train journeys. I have just got my family railcard and we are going to go off over the summer. I might even get a copy of Bradshaws guide. I do love trains, steam especially (I did once briefly drive one - most amazing experience) and would never be a train spotter, for me it's all about the journey.

Talking of journeys (grab on to those tenuous links) I spotted this little guy at my height, on my curly willow tree. How long must that have taken him/her, when I looked up further into the tree about another 2 foot, there was a much bigger snail - I hope he was waiting. Even at turbo boosted speed that little fella was going to take awhile to catch up.

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