The day to start is today

By Traci

I?d like to help you out today

Which way did you come in?

Voice gone completely now, having been sent home from work and then going to the doctors they did give me antibiotics, as 3 to 4 months is quite along time to be struggling!!!! Especially when your job is to talk all day, in fact in some situations have 3 or 4 conversations going on at once.

My friend made me laugh when I got to work ( thinking the old voice would have made a valiant return by then ) I greeted her with a slight squeak, she told me it was slightly careless for me to have lost it and could I remember when the last time it was I had it, quite honestly I didn't think I could. Had a very interesting whiteboard conversation with Deputy head, but all was fine with our esteemed leader - she can lip read :)

I was going to go for a long walk this afternoon but at the top of the hill it was blowing a gale, got as far as the gate (on the sheltered side) and then decided maybe that was far enough for today. Cleared away most of the cobwebs, then ready for that all important coffee and choccy biscuits - better than any antibiotics.

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