Off to Glanllyn.x

Up early and finished packing before Tanya picked me up to go to school.Unloaded all my bags!!!!! and then went into breakfast club. Slowly the children arrived in school with their bags and things. Got the last few things sorted then the bus arrived to pick us up. Bad start to the journey as the bus had gone down the road to turn around( directed by one of the teachers on the bus) and had hit a wall and damaged the back of the bus!!!!! First Aid already so i put a plaster on the damaged bumper and off we went to Bala.
Arrived at Glanllyn and unpacked, had lunch then took the children to do high ropes activity. Had a great time. Then off on the lake, very windy and we got soaked but had a great time.
Supper then entertainment for the children and then a late night for us!!! x

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