Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Oh the irony

Not much chance of a fire breaking out in these freezing temperatures, let alone one that presents the need for an extinguisher.

We met The Bears for a quick drink at 6pm, they are in town for a few days dog-minding for Little Bear. Initially inside the pub we got booted out due to a prior reservation and took shelter in the wooden cabin in the garden, which was not too shabby actually. Although this picture does have a ring of True Brit to it given that it was a cold day and the patio heaters were high up in the ceiling. 

TSM had a truly ghastly day at work and was shattered by the time we got to sit down. A vodka helped restore the spirits (no pun intended) and when we got home without a meal plan she made her own humus from scratch and we plonked it on a flatbread with some grillled green veg and rocket. The outcome was one of those happy accidents that had us going back for second helpings. Truly tasty. 

The Dizzle went to work for a night shiftand we had a rather lovely hour chatting and (in my case) having a boilermaker for a nightcap before falling into bed.

The news from the Ukraine and the global political situation post covid remain ghastly. I am torn between wanting to know more and protecting myself from anxiety and depression. I know this is a common problem.

I managed to make a bit of headway at work today and catch up on things that were worrying me. TSM noted that in Barcelona I had bags of energy and was relaxed whereas I have been suffering fatigue since we got back. Its all about the stress, 'bout the stress, 'bout the stress ... No worries ... only another 873 days until my retirement ...

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