
By 58jc


I didn’t take any pictures today but No1 sent me a picture of the Eritrean Buffet they attended at a hipster restaurant in Dalston. I think I’ll pass?

Today started with doctors appointment and conversation with stroppy receptionist (I won’t go into details) followed by a swim. I had made a cake when I got up as D&J were coming for a cup of tea this afternoon. However cake was not quite cooked when I had to leave for my appointment so I left it in the oven (turned off). Back from a swim ravenous and made lunch before OH returned from golf. Quick hoover before guests arrived. OH lit the fire as he was cold and it was cozy and good to sit and chat for a couple of hours, although cake was a bit over cooked!
They left at 5.00 and I popped round to see T to give her the dress I had taken up. Two glasses of wine later (and a gardening voucher as a thank you) and Friday was done. Snoozed in the chair and saw some of Monty in the garden.

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