Many things done today, as is with a 5 yr old in residence . Creating things in the workshop with his grandpop at this point, but highlights also involved : running around the labyrinth, building and decorating a cardboard box barn, visit to Susan’s ( he calls her Suzie for a reason no one knows )! feeding the ducks , playing in, on, over everything in the barn including getting his dad to be the pony and pull him in the carriage , up and down the lane . We all fell about laughing . Short lived helping me muck out ( he through the fork down after 2 mins declaring horse wee was far too stinky) , so went off to sweep instead . Making banana oat tray bakes, colouring, reading , watching the clangers together. Making a ramp for the campervan , making tea in the camper, hide and seek , walking 3 dogs ( we’re minding the neighbours labs) in the rain. And that’s just the best stuff that I can recall - phew :0)
Defrosted the final Xmas turkey leg,’ created a gorgeous fragrant Thai curry and then all us big kids watched the film ‘Withnail and I’ . Very funny and from a very different era !! So great to have them here.

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