Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Oxygen tent

Slept slightly better last night as I found that sleeping with my head slightly raised helped with the coughing. Good job as I was refused any more Sudafed at Boots last night as the woman recognised me.

Worked over as I needed to get stuff done and I also had to go and collect the bendy routing poles and wallpaper stripper from one of the divers. He borrowed it ages ago and I never got around to collecting it again. Will need the poles this weekend to move the TV areal up the wall and put in a new socket for the TV in the dining room.

Came home and removed the sliding and dining room main door. Seems that the dining room was lime green before the flat was magnolia'd to death. Mmmm not. Plastic sheeting up instead of the doors now ready for the prep work this weekend. Makes the place look like Michael Jackson's Oxygen tent. Also shows how bad the windows are as the sheeting keeps moving. Very ghost like.

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