Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

When forwards just isn't an option

It was good to be in church this morning for the first time since Maundy Thursday. I realised that finally my cough has gone or at least mostly gone, thank goodness, because like Blethers, I was leading the intercessions (prayers) today. It was good to be back but our congregation's numbers were decimated (no, not literally, that's a rather messy procedure!) by the bank holiday weekend.
At coffee afterwards, our french friend was talking about the French customs of May Day, particularly Lily of the Valley of Muguet, (
I came home after church for a quick bite of lunch then went to Ali's. Josie was on good form but has reached that stage when she can't go forwards. She travels by rolling in all directions, or by backwards crawling and ends up in the most unusual places. I had to extract her from under the coffee table several times. She always looks surprised to find herself where she is, lol. She's very good natured about it all. Ali is realising she's going to have to start modifying the environment and moving things out of reach.
Colin got home from Banchory mid afternoon and after I had cleaned the fish tank and done a couple of loads of washing, we headed next door for a reliably good Indian meal - and it was very good!
I'm spending the next couple of days checking out what I still need to get for our holiday and preparing to drive to Swanwick for a conference next weekend.

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