Tired girl

I had a fairly long chat with Katie tonight, which was lovely. She got her theory exam result and although she did perfectly well, she was disappointed that it didn't reflect as she'd hoped. Exam panic is something she's not yet learnt to overcome. She was also a bit upset because people are being quite rude about her clothes. She doesn't want to change what she wears but shes feeling a bit worn down by people being unkind. 

She was feeling quite tired today and I could hear it in her levels of general cranky. She'd been very pleased I had got her to the concert and hadn't realised her Moll was going to be there, they'd just told her about Lisa, so she had a lovely surprise. 

Mondays are a heavy academics day and they're also a long day. She has morning dectet, a lunchtime orchestra, after school seminar and performance class. But they got to meet the new Head of Music who is really quite a big scoop for the school, he's fabulous. And the kids all thought so today when they met him.

She has her first solo performance on the piano at a school concert tomorrow. She's very excited to play their beautifully maintained Steinway grand. 

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