Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Trying to finish

A course in digital post treatment today. Only one more assignment to do, and some questions that I failed answer correctly and get another chance to redo on friday. I'm not really creative in my post treatment in PS, I like to do minor adjustment and let the photo look as I saw it that moment. Boring, perhaps, but that's just how I do it. Now, in this last assignment I need to creative with pic that don't need it - well, at least in my opinion.
The assignment I managed to turn in I did something really stupid with! I'd begun with it, following the instructions of removing some frizzy hair and then when I came to the step that was to change colour on a slide I had difficulties so I stopped and let it be for a while. Today I begun working with it again. Luckily I could watch the online lesson all over and could go on with changing the colour in the whole photo using a layer mask, so that the slide (the photo was of a sweet girl on a slide in a back yard) got the right colour and everything else just looked strange. Then using a brush to paint everything else in their right colours. When I had finished that, with changing the size of the brush and working through almost every straw of grass, I realized that I'd done the first thing wrong... Well, repetition is good for you I guess, even if it was rather annoying at that moment! But, now I know how to work with layers and masks. And the assignment is done, thankfully. :)
The chickpeas in the photo have nothing to do with my assignments. I've bought dried ones a couple of times now and they are so much more tasty then the already made ones in jars. These I will boil tomorrow.
Sorry if this blip is a bit rambled, I'm so tired... off to bed... good night everyone!

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