
By BernardYoung

The Split

It was just before their boat trip
that Jo learned of Jane’s affair.
Jane had met Jill at a hip
little bar. Anne had seen her there.
Jane and Jill had embraced, kissed
unremittingly (a favourite word
of Anne’s) and Anne, of course,
quickly unsheathed her barbed sword;
she couldn’t wait
to let Jo know just what
she’d witnessed. The weight
of that secret could not
be kept under Anne’s hat
and she spilled the beans
unremittingly. Jo didn’t bat
an eyelid (public scenes
being a thing she abhorred).
‘Time to split,’ she thought,
and pushed the boat out,
with only Jane in it.
‘Aren’t you climbing aboard?’
asked Jane. Jo shook her head.
She was the unforgiving sort.
With a sinking feeling Jane
watched the water rise
within the boat. Whatever lay ahead
she knew, that in Jo’s eyes,
she was already dead.

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