Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2022 Monday — Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping . . . I used to love to shop for our groceries. Recently, well okay, for quite some time, shopping for food and household supplies has been a chore, not something I look forward to doing. When I was a young bride a million years ago I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Since arriving back at this SoCal house from the Central Coast, I have done a quick walk thru the grocery store, but I have not shopped thoroughly.

So today was the day. I thought one way to make it fun would be to give myself the challenge of asking someone to take my picture so I could use it here in my journal.

I had completed all of my shopping when I finally got the gumption to ask a worker in the produce department to take my phone and capture my picture. My introvert personality does not easily ask a stranger to take my photo.

Other things we did today -- we went to our credit union that we have belonged to for years. We've been hearing in the news that having money in a local healthy credit union is currently a better or more secure place than a bank. So we are gradually moving our finances toward our credit union account; years ago it was our main financial institution; in recent years it has been a brand-named bank.

After visiting the credit union, I wanted to look at the new home models that are approximately 5 miles northwest of our SoCal house. Walking through models is enjoyable for me. Mr. Fun drove us there and we discovered that the models are closed on Mondays. Oh well. Some other day we'll view the models.

We enjoyed dinner at home and afterward we walked with Chloe & Mitzi thru our neighborhood. Then I took our shredder out to the garage to reduce a stack of old documents so the shreds can go out with the trash truck tomorrow. I again won the prize for jamming our shredder. I wish I could find a place where I could go pay to use a quality heavy duty shredder. I don't want to give my stuff to the Staples store to trust them do the shredding for me.

That's Monday from Funville!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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