Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Dropped Archie off at his holiday abode this morning. He got all excited, remembering that he’d been there before, and barked all the way from the car, which was not ideal… I’m sure he’ll have a lovely time with his young man.

We came home and got ready to go off to our special treat, for we had booked in to the new(ish) Johnnie Walker Experience on Princes Street. (Sorry about the date of birth palaver on the website)  While we’re not whisky drinkers at all, we really wanted to check out the whole thing as we’ve heard good reports.

And it was splendid. It’s a very slick operation, and the owners, Diageo, must have spent £millions. We did a taste test before the tour (online when booking, or at the venue) so that the first highball drink is tailored to what you’d like. Our group was taken through various rooms and experiences, telling the Walker story and explaining the blending process. Each room was SO well done, with instagrammable shots everywhere (Extra) including a spot on the bench where you could put your drink, and it lit up from underneath.

We had three whiskies in all, which could be why I’m a bit dozey now…

We then popped up to the rooftop bar, which would be rather a good place to be at New Year, with all the fireworks right in front of you.

From there we stopped off at Wagamama for an early dinner, and I got the bus home while JR walked.

PS Just got a photo of Archie on Sam’s bed, which is upstairs. He seems to be making himself at home.

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