By lizzie_birkett

EB - Knitting, Book and Bella May…

…and no poem yet, it’s not quite finished.
We went to an outlet place today - Boundary Mill - as Frank wanted to find some jeans. He didn’t find any and I looked round at the endless racks of women’s clothes and wanted to scream! So much stuff that I wouldn’t dream of wearing. Where does it all come from and where does it end up?
All I bought were some tea lights, and a greetings card.
I have seriously gone off shopping - unless it’s a book shop, fabric shop or charity shop.
Tonight was the second meeting of our Ukrainian Refugee group and we have some new members. Such a lovely bunch of people all with good ideas to share. I feel quite inexperienced among them but learnt quite a lot.
Some are good at bureaucracy and organising - I am not - but I’m happy to help when needed. One of our local ladies is going to organise a coffee morning to raise money - with entertainment (Frank and others) and ‘top class’ raffle ie no bottles of cheap plonk or boxes of Milk Tray!   
One family has already arrived in a village not far from us and has a baby due in June and another family will be coming in a week or two with a new baby. It’s a case now of finding out what refugees and their hosts need and getting things to them. The locals have been very generous.

Not much knitting done but a couple of rows here and there and now I’m taking my book to bed. 

Goodnight :-)X

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