
Pilates this morning followed by Pilates. The rest of the day spent dodging showers.

I do like the market town of Kirbymoorside. Slightly smaller than Pickering it has some excellent initiatives. Today was market day and stalls raising awareness of local history and help saving Hedgehogs seemed very popular. The library is community run and had a plant stall raising funds too.

Over coffee I heard of a Saving Food Waste initiative called the Fridge. Businesses can donate their spare produce at the end of the day which is offered to the community for a donation. The local butcher likes this as he doesn’t have to run out of his popular pies and any leftover can be donated. 

Nellie whose family runs a local farm told us whilst the farm loses money it’s mill is able to produce enough to put them into profit - selling to the local bakery. The new Coop even has shelves promoting local produce.

Even the vets appears on Yorkshire Vets with Peter Wright working with local farmers and pets.

This is one of five planters around the signpost looking up towards the high street

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