Grumble, grumble, grumble . . .
Grumble One - just heard today that the large lifeboat in Filey is to go elsewhere and be replaced by a small inflatable boat. The same thing has happened up the North-East Coast of UK to save money, not lives !
Grumble Two - a few weeks ago a village near Scarborough lost their Fire Station to closure in order to save money. You guessed it - nearby they had a huge 6 pumper fire last week. The nearest fire appliances were late because they were held up by a passing train. Oh those brainless money men !

So I thought I would blip something to cheer me up - lambs in various sizes and colours.
To the left a pair of lambs with Mother looking the other way!
The middle image is of Balwen sheep. Balwen means 'white blaze'. Originally they were found only in the extremely remote area of the Upper Tywi Valley, in Wales. These have come to the seaside to live.
For the pedigree specialists - the base colour of these coloured sheep can be dark brown, dark grey but preferably black. They have a white stripe running from the poll to the nose. The lower half or two-thirds of the tail should be white. Ideally the sheep should have four white socks.
To the right one lamb striding out by himself.

Signed, Grumpy Old Man !

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