Peony Rose.....!!

I blipped the unopened bud during the week...and now between the rain and today’s very hot sunshine....I have 2 beautiful flowers...I think I’ll cut them and bring them in as they are hidden away in a corner of the garden where they can’t be seen...!!
I never intended to leave them there and now I’m not so sure that they’ll move safely..!!
It’s such a beautiful day...and now I’m wrecked...spent all morning baking ...bread..scones..stuffed roast turkey and all the roast veg...doesn’t sound like much but there is a lot of prep involved.....just seeing the ‘bright’ outside energized me..
Now I’m so tired I don’t plan on doing much else today...except maybe eating it all..:))
It’s also our day to visit my MinL so can’t really plan to do anything in the garden..!!
Hope all are having a good weekend and that the sun is shining on you like it is here....xx
My extra is the bedclothes drying on the line as there is also a lovely breeze...and Mel barking at squirrels... very important..

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