Saturday: Hintonburg

I started doing my tax return this morning.  I normally do a paper return but thought that, finally, I’d sign up to do it online.  Why are these things never straightforward?  For some reason, as part of my identity check it wanted details of my passport (easy) and then details of my Northern Irish driving licence.  Those were the only two options.  Please note it had to be Northern Irish.  A non-Northern Irish one wouldn’t do……so, suffice to say, all my good intentions of being technologically advanced have fallen apart…….

We went out for adventures with the boys, Tom & Kevin, this afternoon.  We did a couple of microbreweries, ‘Beyond The Pale’, and ‘Tooth And Nail’.  Both were great, but we particularly enjoyed ‘Tooth and Nail’ where the brewer took us for a tour of the vats.  We then went for dinner - K’s meal was free as it was so long in coming.  

Full disclosure, K took this photo and I have purloined it.  I was a bit giddy with excitement and forgot to take any photos.

The boys stopped at ours on the way home and showed us how our air-conditioning works.  Bizarrely, given how much I’ve griped about the cold weather, it seems we will need the AC soon.  We had one can of beer in the fridge so I meticulously shared that out between the four of us.

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