Laboscope app

Yesterday morning Shadow went up the garden path and had words with BBCat who was sitting on the shiny black garden chair (which seems to be his chosen spot). BBCat just sat there and didn't say a word, nor did he show any sign that Shadow was trying to intimidate him. Shadow did the tail flick, the arched back, the twisted turn of the head, and her words went something like, ' Now, when Mum puts out my food, you stay on that chair until I have eaten it all'. BBCat just sat impassively. I had gone up the path as well to check all was okay.

Shadow came back down the path with an attitude, and then finished her food.

BBCat stayed on that garden chair, until Shadow had eaten her food. Then he came cautiously down the path, and I had put a fresh sachet out for him which he appreciated. And we did the slow blinking thing...

Boss Cat Shadow knows this is her garden, and I am her #1 servant, and she gets first dibs at the cat diner.

Creative today is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope. Bluebells, but the camera made them artificially purple, and I didn't like the look. So I played with the colour a bit, and I might have overworked it. I forgot to save a version a few moments earlier which I think I liked more. It is what it is. Next to the bluebells is Sweet Cicely, the white flowers, and their frondy leaves. What that red bit is in the middle I have no idea, except it may be what Laboscope did to the wild flower Stork's Bill. You have Shadow hiding at the bottom. It is very hard to see Shadow in real life, she has this knack of being hidden. Not so BBCat who sticks out a mile especially when on my garage roof...

A cuppa next, and a short nap. I am a bit tired...

Mr Magpie and Mr&Mrs B are now partaking of the wet and dry cat food...Mr Magpie, in particular, thought the scraps on the edge of the cat bowl (which was Shadow's leftovers) were absolutely delicious and he picked the bowl clean to take back to his babies...

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