Laboscope app

It was really hot yesterday. Although my garden thermometer said it was 20C, it felt much more hotter than that, I couldn't stay out in that heat, the sun was burning. Even the cats and the birds went to ground and I didn't see any of them the rest of the day.

So I was a bit worried last night, because even Shadow didn't come for her supper. But this morning everything is back to normal. It's nice and cool. Shadow had her breakfast first, and now the rest of the cats and also all the different birds are having breakfast as well. Mr Heffalump is stuffing his crop with every peanut I put out on the tiny bird table. The only problem is with the Heffalumps on the bird table (an old uplighter from my front room) is that it is now listing port side, and it is in need of even more stabilisation and support...

Yesterday morning, BBCat was asleep on the corner of the garage roof. It was really warm and he was enjoying the morning's warmth. Then I noticed Shadow creeping up on him. Shadow sat there for a while. BBCat was aware Shadow was there, his eyes were wide open, but he didn't turn around. After half an hour Shadow left. Then BBCat looked around to see when Shadow had gone, and he went back to sleep again. But the day got hotter and BBCat left for somewhere cooler.

Creative this morning is the yellow Archangel, and the star in the centre is from a tiny bit of the Russian Comfrey.

Refill of coffee needed, and refill of that cat diner.

Have a great day!

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