Folly farm woods

A beautiful place to walk, near Clutton, between Bristol and Bath.  It’s under the care of Avon Wildlife Trust, and shows how caring for woodland can succeed. I had a lovely morning there with my friend D, who had just recovered from Covid. 
We didn’t know the names of all the flowers - so we used the app Seek if we weren’t sure. 
The main:
- wood spurge
- ground ivy
- wayfaring tree (wild viburnum) 
- herb robert 
- black medick 
- greater stitchwort

- germander speedwell 
- yellow archangel 
- catchweed bedstraw (sticky weed, clivers)
- sweet woodruff 
- holly flowers
- last of the bluebells

I think my favourite is the wood spurge, but we were thrilled to see them all - and lots more besides

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