
By tookie

Heron Baby with new Doo

New Baby Heron
Bright eyed and bushy top doo
Just call me Woody

Lots of cackling going on now in the heron nests as the babies are emerging and getting braver every day!  I stopped here after a couple appointments and wanted to get Cowboy outside for a walk.  He didn't feel much like walking , but we managed to go around the loop by the heron rookery.  Cowboy is struggling more and more with spine and leg pain so sleeping is what he mostly does.  But he loves going outside too so as much as he can, I'll continue to try to get hiim out and moving a bit.  He does love to go out onto the deck and "look".  
    Life goes on.....we all age....we endure daily pains and we continue to feel helpless with the situation in Ukraine and the rising fascism all over the world....scary times .  Visits to heron rookeries and places to forest bath or watch crashing of waves or the splendor of a pastel sunset do help.

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