Lala's Journal

By Lala

Back again!

Snap of the wisteria - not as healthy as usual, but the least of my worries.
When the lung doctor rung last week, he told Mr L if he got any joint problems to stop taking the very necessary antibiotic and see the GP. So, when his feet swelled, followed by the knees and he couldn’t walk at all, I did just that this morning. Appointment made, but when we arrived it was with a health practitioner, who was clearly out of her depth. She said she would speak to the doctor at lunchtime and call me. She did, and told me to take him to A&E. by now it was gone 3! I could have done that this morning! 

We arrived at 4, it was packed in there. Normal stuff - lovely triage nurse who took the details and ordered bloods. First Lady got some on the third try and said there were only a couple of people in front to see the doctor. Then ‘Cannula Steve’ appeared. First lot of bloods no good, so the drawn out search for a vein with the scanner was performed. Steve ( see how we know all these people now) got the blood and the next thing was a rush to the treatment room for fluids. I did learn that it doesn’t matter how much I make Mr L drink, if his haemoglobin is not right, he will be dehydrated anyway. 

The doctor arrived (I was not supposed to be with him all this time, but I was not giving in, it’s a stupid rule)! He was brilliant. Yes, we did the right thing, definitely that antibiotic  causing  the problems, and Mr L’s knees were a weird mottled colour too. So, x  ray first, fluids next and Doc was going to try contact the stomach and lung teams, for advise on another antibiotic. 

So, I did leave then as the bag of fluids was going to take at least three hours. It’s now just gone 10 and I still don’t know if they are going to chuck him out once he’s finished the fluids and go back tomorrow or Thursday, or if they will try to find a bed for him. He has been told he will have to go back to A&E once the fluid is finished. I’m not hopeful about a bed judging by the number of people on trolleys in the corridor. 

And to cap it all, it’s our anniversary, despite the weirdness, our obligatory celebratory selfie is an extra!

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