By Suzyell

Summer body ready

We had the yeepies shorn last night. It's not usually done till June but the shearer rang to say he was in our area so did we want it done and it made sense to, so here they are looking like cute big rats. 
We are lucky enough to have a big garden so have had sheep for about 20 years now. We got our first two as sock lambs and the girls would feed them which was hilarious as they drank so quickly and nearly sucked the teat off the bottle. Sandy and Pansy. Sandy died first aged about 13 and Pansy died in 2019 aged 15. Sheep live a good long life if they're not killed at 6 months for a leg or two of lamb. 
Our current sheep are Ouessant so they don't grow very big, always having a look of being a lamb. We got two when Sandy died as sheep are flock animals and Pansy really didn't like being on her own and then when Pansy died we got tow more - Yeppie, Natty, Betty and Ellie. 

Spot the murdered oak tree in the back ground. 

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