Time to retire I think?

As part of my chequered career I was a School Lab Technician for about three years.  I'd have retired from the job, but for the pay.  We decided that, should any sprogs decide to arrive we'd have been in a similar state to that the Radio is currently describing:-
"What shall we do today, eat, or pay the rent?"  My Fire Service "take-home" pay was almost the same as my Lab-tech's "Top-line" pay.

I was never a committed kleptomaniac - BUT - I did walk away with one of their Glass cloths.  I can't be 100% certain if this is the one, but if so it's worked longer than I have - a minimum of 49 yrs, had it been brand, spanking, new; which it wasn't.

A bloke posts on what I think of, from a previous life, as the "U-tube" (AKA a Manometer) with the title of London Worms & Garden.  He did one testing if worms ate Cotton.  They did - SO - I'm about to see if Linen is on their menu too.

I rather fancy Alice would, possibly, have sacked it a while ago.

N. B.  DO proof-read; I've just spotted an autocorrect to (AKA a Nanometre)


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